Friday, February 10, 2012

The "Camp High"; Good or bad?

Since I work for a camp, I often get the following feedback (something like): “I’m not comfortable that youth come back from camp with a camp high and then get hit with reality and over time that high goes away.” After pondering this for awhile I have come to the conclusion that for me, the camp high was not a bad thing as a youth and is something I revisit as an adult.
I was raised with a single mom and went to camp twice a year (or more) from the time I was in 4th grade clear until I was 21. I grew up in Southern California and attended Green Oaks Ranch in Vista, Forest Home in Forest Falls and Hume Lake. I love camp! I love the experience of getting away from day-to-day life to grow spiritually, play in creation and escape real life worries.
Since I was a kid from a broken home, I did have a lot of worries. But whether it is a broken home, absent parents, family stresses, school pressures, or friend problems, we all have worries and burdens from which we function. It was these times when I could get away from it all and focus more on the Lord that taught me the most about how I didn’t have to just exist through life. There is a better plan. A week (or a weekend) away helped me to refocus, move closer to God, gain some clarity and reprioritize my life. What an amazing gift camp was for an awkward girl from SoCal”
Ok, so after a week (or weekend) of life changing fun and growth in the beautiful outdoors, we all get on our buses and head home. I am pumped! Man is life going to be different. I have it all figured out now! I am going to live differently. I am going to live for my Lord 100% - like I never have before. Well, a day or two goes by and I’m still doing pretty well, still feeling pretty plugged into my “new life”. But then comes a couple of crazy tests at school that didn’t go as planned, my mom is unhappy because I forgot to take the trash out, then my boss gets upset that I was talking instead of cleaning the trays and my friends just don’t understand the changes I have made. I start slipping back into my old ways.
Or have I?
Well, yes and no. Yes, I made a lot of commitments in my mountain top experience. Yes, I do feel as though the work Jesus did on the cross is enough. He loves me, no matter. That is what the Bible says. But no, maybe my expectations for what that looks like are bigger then what He is asking me to do at one time. I need to remember I am in process. I need to remember to spend time with Him, to worship Him through my daily tasks and be the best person I can be to glorify Him.
Forward twenty plus years and what does that camp high experience look for a mom in her forties with five children? My daily struggles are different but what the camp experience taught me is that when I feel drained, disconnected from my Lord, or overwhelmed with life, I need to unplug. Sometimes unplugging looks like just getting away somewhere peaceful for an hour to seek God, going out with my friends to play and pray, or go to a women’s retreat (which is just a youth camp on estrogen). Whatever it looks like for me to recharge, the thing I learned as a youth from my camp high is when I have these feelings, there is a way to reengage. I don’t have to go to camp I can initiate it from where ever I may be. The camp high now becomes a strategy for my life!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Exciting things have happened in the last few weeks at Riverview!

The gym got a new floor and wow is it amazing! It feels so much cleaner and looks so much better. The reaction from the first group that used it was just a thing of beauty!

The camp store fireplace got a great facelift; a new insert that shows the beauty of the fire, produces much more warmth and is a favorite choice for campers to sit, drink cocoa and enjoy a crackling fire.
Riverview partnered with several high school youth ministries last weekend for an incredible winter retreat. Pastor Bryan faithfully taught God’s word to over 100 high school students and many grew in their faith and love of Jesus. The students also loved the tubing run, dodge ball, hanging out drinking cocoa, playing in the snow and enjoying Gods creation. It was awesome.   

Monday, January 16, 2012

Exciting times for the Riverview campus!

Riverview was very blessed in the month of December with about $80,000 worth of investments given to improve the campus. The investments are already being put to work:
  • A new fire place insert has been installed in the snack bar for people to sip some coffee or cocoa and enjoy some friendly conversations.
  • Repair work and replacement was done on the chimney for our gym.
  • Speaking of the gym, it is getting a new floor as I type. Talk about a long awaited dream for our guest and staff! This is coming with a new volleyball system and new flooring in the game area. We could not be more excited!
  • Removal of the floor was begun with camp's new Bobcat skidsteer, a donated gift from an investor that will save camp so much money and time.
Winter camps are coming in and we are hoping for snow. Either way at Riverview there is so much beauty and things to do everyone will have a great time and draw closer to our creator.

God bless
Tim Mason, Executive Director  

Friday, October 14, 2011

  I love this time of year! Yes, I love Fall and the changing of
  seasons. But for me, Fall is about connecting with our returning
  renters at Riverview Bible Camp.Summer may have just ended, but my
  job is always 6-9 months ahead on the calendar. I am looking at
  Summer 2012 so we can lock in returning groups and then fill the
  empty dates. This is what Tim Mason (our Executive Director) and I
  do. It is our job but it is also a great blessing!

   In the last month I have sent out 30 contracts.My favorite thing
  about this process is re-connecting with returning groups. When a
  group comes back year after year to Riverview it really becomes a
  partnership. We are partnering to put on the BEST possible retreats
  for our groups! I love to hear the stories about the previous year
  and the plans for the coming year! It is a great partnership where
  lives are impacted -- hopefully eternally impacted! What could be
  better than that?

  If you are a returning group, thank you for your loyalty and

  If you are not and would like to know more about booking dates at
  Riverview, contact:

  Me, Lisa at 509.999.9919 or

  Tim Mason at 509.220.9599

Lisa Greer
Development Director
Riverview Bible Camp

Friday, September 30, 2011

What a great weekend, and week as well! Riverview had two groups enjoy the warm fall weather last weekend. A men's group doing "manly" things like trap shooting, tomahawk throwing, 3D archery, and some target practice with paintball. A new group to Riverview was the 4H club that was on campus that weekend as well. With the great food, nice weather, and all the attractions at Riverview both groups left feeling refreshed and inspired. Riverview was also a host to South side Christian school during the midweek. Watching those kids go up and slide down our four story high gunny sack slide was a true joy. We love South side and are so glad to be able to be a camp they can count on.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"WOW, what a weekend!" Moody Bible Institute spent 3 days at camp wrapping up our summer season. From a great speaker, to accessing all the incredible activities Riverview has to offer! Watching college students worship Jesus, get blobbed, enjoy a dip in the pool or just some good old volleyball, Moody had a great time at Riverview. As we move into the fall we look forward to the beautiful colors on campus and the many campers coming to enjoy them.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Winter Camp 2012!

The registration link will be on our website October 1st for Riverview's Snow Blast Winter Camp, but we're offering our readers a chance to sign up early and beat the rush! If you are, or know someone who is in Middle School or High School and would like to spend an amazing weekend at Riverview enjoying the snow, worship, inspiring speaker, and great food, click this link to take exclusive advantage of the early registration and beat the rush!

Campers are invited to bring their snowboards and try our terrain park, snow tube down our 1/4 mile tubing hill, challenge each other to snowball wars in our snowball war zone (Serving double duty as the water balloon war zone in the Summer time), shoot hoops in the heated gymnasium, and hang out with friends next to the crackling fireplace in the snack bar. Cost for the weekend is just $75 and includes lodging, meals, and all program costs. We happily accept individual registrations, so even if your church isn't coming to camp we'll have a place for you!

Register now for Riverview's Snow Blast 2012!